Volume 10 - Talisik: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

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August 2023
about the cover

The cover illustrates the capacity of philosophy to understand our thoughts, navigate our minds, and strengthen our convictions through reading and writing. Particularly, the ripples illustrate how philosophy encourages self-reflection and introspection of one’s own ideas and motivations. Meanwhile, the man with the rake depicts our own attempts, as philosophy students, to organize our thought processes by logically and systematically evaluating them. This is why, in many ways, the cover represents the Deutsche term, Bildung, which emphasizes the significance of education in personal development and cultural refinement.
Cover layout by Timothy John C. Santiago

© 2014-2024
TALISIK: An Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Room 109 Main Building, University of Santo Tomas
España, Manila 1015
https://www.talisik.kritike.org | ISSN 2362-9452
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